Společnosti Intel a Alcatel-Lucent oznamují spuštění vysokorychlostní bezdrátové sítě založené na technologii WiMAX ve městě Amsterdam v Nizozemí.
Za tímto projektem stojí společnosti Intel a Alcatel-Lucent. Síť pokrývá celé město a dne 17. června byly spuštěny pouze některé funkce, které by měla do budoucna síť poskytovat. Koncem léta budou spuštěny všechny ostatní funkce a umožní tak uživatelům vychutnat si online zábavu a obchodních služeb v plné výši.
Další info v anglickém jazyce
Worldmax launched Europe’s first citywide commercial wireless broadband network, based on WiMAX 802.16e technology, in Amsterdam. A special "light" version of the service is available as of June 17th. Early adopter customers will be able to enjoy the basic features of the service, called Aerea, which enables wireless broadband access to the Internet. That means users within the Amsterdam city ring can play online videogames, download and watch movies or listen to streaming music wherever they are in a park, at home or any other location. Worldmax is launching this light version to meet the numerous requests of internet users in Amsterdam, who want broadband internet access wherever they are in the city. The network was deployed by Alcatel-Lucent and Worldmax over the past five months.
After the summer Worldmax will have completed the full roll-out of the network, allowing consumers and business users to access the network in order to enjoy online entertainment and business services from virtually any location in the city. The service is easy to use and reliable. New customers can be online within two working days and can choose from various flexible subscription fees, including prepaid and post paid subscriptions.
Initially customers will need a PC card and in a later stage a USB dongle to connect their laptops and other mobile devices to the network. Intel plans to begin delivering integrated mobile WiMAX silicon in the U.S. at the end of the year. These embedded WiMAX solutions for Centrino 2 processor technology-based laptops and a variety of other mobile devices, will support the promise of cost effective, high speed "broadband on the go".
Worldmax will showcase the capabilities of the network on June 17 and 18 during the WiMAX Forum Global Congress, in collaboration with Alcatel-Lucent and Intel, including a live video feed from moving !trikes" (three-wheeled pedal taxis) as well as live demos aboard a canal boat serving as a moving Internet cafe.
"While there are several wireless broadband initiatives in The Netherlands and in Europe, Worldmax is currently the only company planning such a thorough and complete offer for the consumer," said Worldmax’ CEO Jeanine van der Vlist. "This new network will make it possible for us to have our customers online within two working days, with access to unlimited wireless data and transparent and flexible contracts at very competitive prices. We are very excited to introduce a preliminary light version of the service. This will help raise awareness about the compelling capabilities of "broadband in your pocket".
"Wireless broadband dramatically enhances the speed and manner in which people access all that the Internet has to offer", says Sriram Viswanathan, vice president, Intel Capital and general manager, Intel WiMAX program office. "As the demand for mobile Internet services and devices increases, today’s announcement illustrates the growing industry support for mobile WiMAX and the healthy global footprint wireless broadband is quickly progressing toward."
"We are enthusiastic about this innovative project for Worldmax and being part of the team that has made this wireless broadband Rev-e network a first in Europe," said Frederic Rose, Alcatel-Lucent’s President of activities in the Europe, Africa and Asia region. "Worldmax’ choice of our solutions and services testifies to our expertise and technical leadership in the area of WiMAX and highlights the confidence Worldmax, a wireless broadband pioneer, has placed in us as they take this crucial next step in the development of their business, differentiating their service against existing broadband services common in Western Europe by leveraging the power of mobility."
In addition to supplying the WiMAX technology, Alcatel-Lucent will also maintain the network for Worldmax. During the WiMAX Forum Global Congress Alcatel-Lucent will also present its Open Customer Premises Equipment-program, designed to promote an open device ecosystem, ensuring that customers have access to the widest possible range of interoperable end-user devices at attractive pricing.
Intel Capital, the venture capital investment arm of Intel Corporation, is a leading investor in Worldmax. The company promotes the deployment of low-cost WiMAX based Internet access and provides significant technical and marketing resources to Worldmax.
Článek Intel Czech Tradings, Inc., organizacní složka ze dne čtvrtek 19. června 2008
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